Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

The basics on how best to feed and fuel yourself to live a healthier, happier, longer life.

Nutrition as a whole in recent years has become a minefield of he said she, this diet to that diet.

Which has left the majority of people scratching their heads confused as to what diet to follow, and let's face it there is no shortage of these “must do” ways of eating, we have everything from High carb low fat, low carb high fat, Paleo, Vegan, Keto and the list goes on with more and more new and best ways of eating popping up each year.

How with that said I bet you are still wondering what and how should I be eating? Well this is both a simple and complex question. When it comes to starting to eat the right way to make yourself healthier it is quite simple.

Eat a variety of minimally processed whole, colourful foods!!!

Sounds to simple doesn't it, but as long as you follow the above rule while making sure to get the right balance of Carbs, Fats and Protein it really is that simple.

Next let's talk about the macronutrients Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins. What they are why we need them and where best to get them.


Carbs are a energy or a fuel macronutrient and is the body's prefered source of energy. Once broken down it is stored mainly in the liver and the muscles ready to be used at a moments notice. Hence if we are lacking in carbs we will lack the proper amount of energy to function

Carbohydrate sources include

  • Vegetables Potatoes, peppers, spinach, beetroots, carrots etc the more variety the better

  • Fruits Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries etc

  • Grains Rice, quinoa

  • Cereals Oats, wheats, breads

  • Legumes & Pulses beans, lentils, chickpeas


Fat has gain a bad reputation over the last decade as being the reason for the obesity epidemic in most western countries, but thankfully things are changing and people a slowly realizing that fat is not the enemy.

Fat is a energy or fuel source macronutrient and a transporter of fat soluble vitamins, it is also vital for the production of essential hormones in the body such as testosterone.

So if you are on a low fat diet you will not have a sufficient nutrients to produce testosterone which can lead to depression in men and women also low testosterone has been proven to be a factory in excess body fat storage. Can we see a connection yet?

Weston countries have demoised fat for the last 10 to 20 years while more and more people are put on drugs each year to combat depression and obesity related diseases such as diabetes.

Fat Sources

  • Nuts & Seeds cashew, brazil nuts, almonds, peanuts, chia, pumpkin seeds

  • Dairy creams, butter, yogurt, milk, (grass fed if possible)

  • Fruits avocados, olives

  • Oils olive, coconut, avocado, nut oils


Protein is our restorative macronutrient, meaning it is the building blocks of what makes you you.

We need protein to not only recover from a hard workout, but also for general repair and growth of our bodys

Protein also can be used as a backup energy source when other energy macronutrients are lacking but this can cause problems if there isn't sufficient amounts to cover its main functions throughout the body such as replace old dead cells in our muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage, protein is also required to build our brain cells, immune cells and enzymes that help carry out a wide range of bodily functions.

Protein Sources

  • Animal Meat & Eggs beef, chicken, pork

  • Dairy milk, yogurt, cheese

  • Pulses chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans

Once again it's really not that complicated as long as you have a good balance of the above nutrients and don't succumb to one of the many fad diets out there that severely limit one of these vital macronutrients you really can't go far wrong

Now 1 last thing to help you on your way to a more healthier, happier you or I should say 10.

10 quick easy principles you can apply today

  1. Drinking enough clean fluids, about 2 to 3 liters per day.

  2. Eating whole, natural, one ingredient foods for 80-90% of your diet.

  3. Getting enough quality sleep, around 7 to 8 hours a night.

  4. Getting moderate amounts of exercise to keep us fit and healthy.

(that's where we come in)

  1. Managing your stress levels.

  2. Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

  3. Make sure you get sufficient amounts of protein in your diet, around 1.5 to 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

  4. Understand the calories in your food so you are empowered by what you eat.

  5. Don't eat foods that upset you, or cause a reaction.

  6. Take a few choice supplements to cover all the health angles,

Such as a good multivitamin, fish oils and a protein powder to help reach them protein needs.

And there we have it, remember this is just a quick start guide for you help you begin your new fitness and if you have any question on this subject your coaches will be more than willing to help you out.
